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Wafer processing is laborious and complex. Fabs know how many semiconductor tools and other variables need to come together to produce a high-quality product for end users. OMRON has advanced solutions to make production faster and easier by providing SECS/GEM (SEMI Equipment Communications Standard/Generic Equipment Model) communications solutions in our controller family.

Application: Semiconductor equipment interoperability

Obsolete hardware and problems with tool interoperability, troubleshooting and traceability throughout the manufacturing process are just a few of the pain points fabs around the world are challenged with.

Our solution: SECS/GEM available in the machine controller

OMRON’s SECS/GEM solution is designed to meet semiconductor communication standards while providing reliable, best-in-class machine control. It pairs hardware with OMRON’s Sysmac Studio for process engineers to commission tools faster. We offer Controller CPU’s option with embedded SECS/GEM or using Function Blocks option that can be used in all Sysmac Controllers family.

The SECS/GEM CPU and Function Blocks options, integrates machine control and host communications, reducing time, cost, and complexity to establish SECS/GEM communications.

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