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eCommerce ready - Mastering packaging and intralogistics challenges

Ämne Flexible Manufacturing

eCommerce is booming

eCommerce is booming. However, high online sales figures also bring new challenges for service providers executing activities such as packing and warehousing. Activities that require a lot of manual work. Both producers and their service providers in these sectors need to find new ways and technologies that allow them to optimize their operations, free up employees and increase efficiency. Robot-assisted packaging and other innovative approaches empower operators to shift from repetitive jobs to more creative activities.

Register now for our upcoming webinar and learn more about:

  • The challenges brought about by the growth in eCommerce and re-packing activities
  • Typical processes and solution examples for a fulfilment center
  • The value of flexible automation
  • How autonomous and configurable lines can help adjust operations to handle swings in demand
Join us on 25-05-2022 at 10:00 CEST! Register now to reserve your seat.


Welcome and OMRON introduction
Why addressing manual activities in the warehouse
Typical shopfloor of a distribution centre
Examples: six manual activities to address
Questions and Answers


John van Hooijdonk

EMEA Industry Marketing Manager

Fast-Moving Consumer Goods

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