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New V410-H handheld barcode readers for industrial DPM and life sciences applications

The scanners complete our extensive portfolio of industrial barcode readers and smart cameras for a wide range of applications.

The new OMRON V410-H handheld barcode reader family provides a powerful, compact and easy-to-use solution for a wide range of applications. With algorithms that readily capture challenging codes, including direct part marks (DPMs) and ultra-compact symbols, the family’s three models – the XD, the SR and the HC – deliver a solution for traceability throughout industrial manufacturing. The SR model boasts an outstanding read range, while the HC is designed for life science and hospital environments.

The V410-H operates on OMRON’s popular WebLink platform, and all three versions offer the intuitive WebLink PC configuration and run-time viewing utility that works with any Windows-enabled device. WebLink makes it possible to export images to a PC file location, customize the data output pre-amble and post-amble, and save or restore barcode reader configuration files. This allows for simple cloning of reader configuration across multiple barcode readers.

With a high-resolution sensor, lightning-fast decoding, read ranges that extend from contact to as far as 1.1 meters, and the ability to decode most 1D, 2D, and DPM symbols, the V410-H helps operators work quickly and avoid misreads. Usage in a hands-free presentation mode can help meet requirements for contact-free operation, while chemical resistance to alcohol-based cleaners ensures that the reader can withstand frequent cleaning procedures.

For handheld barcode reading applications requiring IP65/67 or wireless connectivity, OMRON is also updating its popular HS-360x barcode reader with the latest X-Mode decoding algorithms, updated WebLink PC configuration software under new OMRON branding. This model is being launched as V450-H, a further extension of the OMRON handheld barcode reader product line.

Industry professionals interested in learning more about this easy-to-use, powerful and hygienic barcode reading solution are encouraged to visit the V410-H product page.

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