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HD-1500 Conveyor Top for pallets

Applicable models
  • HD-1500
  • Conveyor
  • Pallet handler

Top conveyor for HD1500, with motorized rollers and brake, and motorized loading / unloading station. Flexible solution for: boxes, trays, European format pallet 800x1200, US format pallet 1000x1200 and half-pallet 800-600.

  • This top conveyor has 3 voices of rollers for heavy loads
  • A fixed conveyor / robot conveyor mechanical coupling system for transfer.
  • Pallet brake system for robot movements, as well as pallet position sensors.
  • Load up to 1250 kg.
  • Transfer speed: 0.2m/s, acceleration, deceleration adjustable.
  • Working height: 450mm based on 60mm roller
  • Possibility of height adjustment by spacer.
  • Inserts above for mounting accessories and inserts for eyebolts.
  • Symmetrical conveyor for transfers from both sides.
  • Collaborative shape (no sharp angle).
  • Integration of top safety with robot safety.
For endurance and reliability the Statione and Top have:
  • 10 motorized rollers
  • 32 driven rollers
  • 19 free rollers
Fixed conveyor:
  • Capacity: 1 pallet, length of the conveyor module: 2m
  • Power supply: 400VAC three-phase
  • Movable module. 
More information can be found on our partner’s webpage.


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