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Adjust operations to swinging demands

eCommerce is booming. Since years the Internet has raised the expectations of consumers to new heights, and this has raised the demand for flexible and reliable delivery systems.

This growth is not only pleasing to online retailers, it also comes with growing challenges for producers of Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) and their third party logistic service providers (3PL). These logistic service providers execute activities as packaging, co-packing, warehousing, and intralogistics. Companies in these sectors need to find ways and technologies that allow them to optimise their operations, free up employees and increase efficiency.

Robot-assisted packaging and other innovative approaches as machine vision provide important support to achieve these goals.

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eCommerce Ready

eCommerce is booming. Since years the Internet has raised the expectations of consumers to new heights, and this has raised the demand for flexible and reliable delivery systems.

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