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Improving quality of EV battery inspection process

It is difficult to set inspection parameters to differentiate defective products from good products, especially when part of the inspection process is manual. Using AI inspection can dramatically reduce over detected or overlooked defects. 


EV battery manufacturers often rely on seasoned visual inspection workers to meet the increasingly demanding quality requirements of their products. However, to increase production volume, reducing visual inspection effort and improving yield are necessary. 


Our solutions enable reliable image inspections powered by AI that can learn the difference between defective and non-defective products to make judgments with neither too little nor too much scrutiny. OMRON has a proven performance history in delivering optimal EV battery inspections that use AI to selectively detect dents and foreign matter. Our general-purpose image controllers are equipped with unique AI features and a wealth of image processing technologies that we have developed over the years.

Watch this video to learn more about our solution that delivers reliable inspection

  • Learns variation in good products from images
  • Extracts features not found on good products as defects
  • Resistant to variation in good products

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Battery Inspection

It is difficult to set inspection parameters to differentiate defective products from good products, especially when part of the inspection process is manual. Using AI inspection can dramatically reduce over detected or overlooked defects. 

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