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Material Transport

Process improvement and material flow along with the importance of workforce safety are top of mind for automotive manufacturers. OMRON’s autonomous mobile robots, or AMRs, provide a part delivery solution that is safe and flexible.


The need for flexibility and optimized working conditions while making it possible for an automotive manufacturer to easily change its factory layout whenever necessary is key to remain competitive. Workforce safety is also a critical topic in an automotive final assembly plant. For example, automotive manufacturers are challenged with replacing forklifts to reduce injury on the plant floor. Labor shortage is also an issue because transporting material is often considered a mundane task and the scarcity of workers very quickly leads to disruption in production.


OMRON’s AMRs streamline production and liberate workers from the burden of manual materials transport. The LD Series mobile robots dramatically increase productivity in manufacturing and logistics operations. This unique solution boosts throughput, reduces machine dwell time, eliminates errors and improves material traceability. The HD-1500 is an advanced, autonomous intelligent vehicle specifically designed to transport heavy payloads up to 1500kgs. It is designed for industrial environments and allows for the movement of large payloads while reducing the need for forklifts, ultimately doing more with less equipment and without sacrificing safety.

The future of material transport for final assembly

The factory of the future for automotive manufacturing needs to be connected, flexible and optimized. Imagine a plant floor where AMRs handle all material transport including moving vehicles through final assembly to the final inspection process. OMRON's mobile robot solutions are extremely versatile and can be adapted to perform a wide variety of tasks and applications. Advanced intelligence and fleet control provide optimal and dynamic route planning for a safer and more efficient work environment.

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Material Transport

Process improvement and material flow along with the importance of workforce safety are top of mind for automotive manufacturers. OMRON’s autonomous mobile robots, or AMRs, provide a part delivery solution that is safe and flexible.

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