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OMRON welcomes Factbird as a Solution Partner in the OMRON Innovation Network

Manufacturing intelligence solutions provide manufacturers with real-time actionable insights to drive meaningful improvements.

OMRON, a global leader in industrial automation, is pleased to announce that Factbird has joined the OMRON Innovation Network as a Solution Partner. Factbird provides end-to-end manufacturing intelligence solutions to streamline data gathering and analysis processes. With its roots in Denmark, Factbird has expanded its operations across Europe and the United States, making a significant impact in the manufacturing industry.

Manufacturing intelligence plays a crucial role in the modern industrial landscape, where data-driven insights are essential for staying competitive, meeting customer expectations, and achieving operational excellence. By joining forces with Factbird, OMRON continues to expand its network of trusted partners and deliver comprehensive solutions that address the evolving needs of manufacturers worldwide.

Factbird's easy-to-use manufacturing intelligence solutions include automatic data collection devices, real-time OEE monitoring, video monitoring, process optimization, utility and resource monitoring, and proactive equipment maintenance capabilities.

factbird solution partner fcard comp
Søren Traumer Schønnemann from Factbird with Kenneth Ranzau from OMRON

Søren Traumer Schønnemann, Chief Commercial Officer & Partner at Factbird comments: “Our mission is to redefine the boundaries of manufacturing intelligence, promoting operational efficiency, enhanced process optimization, and sustainable practices. Our solutions empower manufacturers to take charge of their manufacturing efficiency with real-time actionable insights to drive meaningful improvements.”

Daniel Rossek, EMEA System Integration Manager, OMRON, adds: "We believe in the transformative power of technology and are dedicated to driving innovation through strategic partnerships. Factbird’s expertise in manufacturing intelligence aligns perfectly with our commitment to shaping a future where automation is unlocking unprecedented opportunities for productivity, scalability, and superior user experiences."

For more information about Factbird and their manufacturing intelligence solutions, please contact OMRON or visit https://www.factbird.com/.

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