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OMRON awarded third EcoVadis Platinum Rating for outstanding sustainability performance

OMRON has achieved the prestigious Platinum rating from EcoVadis, placing it in the top 1% of all businesses assessed for sustainability performance. This marks the third time that OMRON has received this international recognition.

OMRON's outstanding performance in four key areas - Environment, Labor and Human Rights, Sustainable Procurement, and Ethics - contributed to its Platinum certification for 2023.

  • Environment: OMRON was recognized for being the first manufacturing company in Japan to join EP100, having ISO 14001 certified for all production sites, the communication about the progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and being certified by the Science Based Targets Initiative1 (SBTi*).
  • Labor & Human Rights: OMRON’s human rights policy on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I); its impact assessments identifying potential child labor, forced labor and/or human trafficking; and comprehensive reporting on labor and human rights issues as part of the first stage (FY22 - FY24) of OMRON’s long-term vision, Shaping the Future 2030 (SF2030).
  • Sustainable Procurement: Training for employees on sustainable procurement and disclosing the percentage of suppliers evaluated by CSR.
  • Ethics: Conduct training to prevent anti-competitive practices, information security risk assessments, and audits of control procedures to prevent information security breaches.

Yue Liu, Senior General Manager of Sustainability Office at OMRON Corporation, expressed gratitude for the recognition, stating, "It is an honor to be acknowledged for our sustainability efforts by one of the largest and most trusted sustainability indices. Our SF2030 strategy is actively contributing to OMRON's reputation as a leader in ESG goals and measures. Aligned with our OMRON Principles, which aim to improve lives and contribute to a better society, our ambitious ESG goals inspire us to engage all stakeholders in our journey to create a better world together."

*SBTi (Science Based Targets Initiative): An international initiative that recommends setting medium- and long-term greenhouse gas reduction targets based on scientific evidence.

OMRON’s Contribution to a Sustainable Future

OMRON firmly believes in incorporating its vision for a sustainable future in its business holistically and practices this by creating social value through business and contributing to the development of society. This is also reflected in OMRON’s recognition by several other ESG assessment institutions around the world. By empowering people through automation, OMRON strives for a healthy, carbon neutral and inclusive digitalized society.

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