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Hygienic Guard locking Switch, RFID High-coded, Solenoid monitoring, Power to unlock, PNP, Test Pulse, Connector plug M12, 8-pole


Coding Unique
Connection method Connector M12 - 8 pin
Degree of protection (IP) IP66/IP67/IP69
Diagnostic LED
Door contacts NC 2
Door contacts NO 1
Door switch type RFID magnetic
High coding level
LED indicator
Lock/Release key type Standard key
Material housing PBT
Number of auxiliary outputs 1
Number of safety inputs 2
Output test pulses
Output type PNP
Solenoid voltage 24 V
Switch without actuator
Teaching limitation
OSSD configuration Guard monitoring AND lock monitoring
Lock/Release logic Power to lock (Solenoid lock)
With escape release


D41L-8P5-CFM12-905M Female cable connector for D41L, straight, screw type M12, 8 poles, PUR, cable length 5 m
D41L-8P5-CFM12-910M Female cable connector for D41L, straight, screw type M12, 8 poles, PUR, cable length 10 m
D41L-A1 Actuator for D41L, straight, 127 x 35 x 46 mm
D41L-MP Mounting plate for D41L, Plastic, 101 x 40 x 18.5 mm
D41L-MS Mounting Kit for D41L, 1 x Aluminium protective plate, 2x Aluminium threaded head Ø 20 mm with M6 thread, 2x Rubber discs
