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Detects objects in multiple directions with high sensitivity

D5B’s detection of objects in multiple directions with high sensitivity makes it an ideal switch for usage in robotics. It operates even with a slight force and a slow-action mechanism is used. Its movement differential is as small as 0.01mm, assuring high accuracy of detection.

  • High-sensitivity mechanical touch switch
  • Detects objects in multiple directions and operates with slight force
  • Movement differential of 0.01mm assures high accuracy of detection
  • Gold-plated contacts capable of switching micro current/voltage load
  • Highly resistant to dust, fine particles, water or oil splashes (IP67)

Specifications & ordering info

Produkt Material housing Degree of protection (IP) Actuator type Actuator detail Connection method Cable length Cable entry direction Number of contacts, normally-open Number of contacts, normally-closed Number of contacts, change-over Make before break Switch action Load type With status indication Description
Tactile Limit switch, M10 body, hemispheric actuator, 3 m prewired
Tactile Limit switch, M10 body, conical actuator,3 m prewired
Tactile Limit switch, M10 body, short spring wobble stick actuator, 3 m prewired
Tactile Limit switch, M10 body, short spring wobble stick actuator, 5 m prewired
Tactile Limit switch, M10 body, long spring wobble stick actuator, 3 m prewired
Tactile Limit switch, M5 body, hemispheric actuator, 1 m prewired
Tactile Limit switch, M5 body, hemispheric actuator, 3 m prewired
Tactile Limit switch, M8 body, hemispheric actuator, 3 m prewired
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