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Smart Fiber Amplifier Units

2-channel Amplifier reduces installation space by half. Downsized Equipment and Control Panels

  • The new 2 channel fiber amplifier unit has two-unit functions in the dimensions of the general one-unit, contributing to downsizing your equipment and control panels.
  • Performance with highly stable detection and even two channels. From transparent objects to low-reflective workpieces.
  • Easy to set the light intensity and threshold automatically.
  • Wire-saving Connector models that reduce wiring work.

Specifications & ordering info

Produkt Shape Sensing method Setting method Connection method Cable length Output type Operation mode Response time Material housing Type of light Functions Features Application Degree of protection (IP) Number of digital outputs Number of digital inputs Description
Fiber amplifier, 2 fiber input, twin digital display, smart tuning, multiple functions, fieldbus communication
Fiber amplifier, 2 fiber input, twin digital display, smart tuning, multiple functions, 2 NPN output, 2 m cable
Fiber amplifier, 2 fiber input, twin digital display, smart tuning, multiple functions, 2 PNP output, 2 m cable
Fiber amplifier, 2 fiber input, twin digital display, smart tuning, multiple functions, 2 NPN output, system connector
Fiber amplifier, 2 fiber input, twin digital display, smart tuning, multiple functions, 2 PNP output, system connector
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Logic operations without PLC

e3nx fa amplifier prod

The AND, OR, XOR and GAP functionality among others for both fiber channels allows simple signal processing without the need for a PLC. This allows the addition of sensor checks to machines without reprogramming the PLC.

Space & cost reduction

e3nx fa operations prod

The 2 in 1 amplifier replaces two standard amplifiers reducing space requirements and hardware cost.
