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Motorer i G-serien

Motorer i G-serien

Compact in size big in features

A wide range of compact servo motors to meet all application needs. When used with a SmartStep 2 drive, the G-series servo motors offer the simplicity and cost-effectiveness of a stepper with the added advantages of a servo system.

  • Peak torque 300% of continuous torque during 3 seconds or more depending on model
  • Servo motors supported by SmartStep2, G-Series and Accurax G5 servo drives
  • Cylindrical and Flat servo motors types are available
  • Encoder accuracy of 10,000 pulses incremental as standard and 17-bit absolute
  • IP65 as standard and shaft oil seal available
  • Motors with brake as option

Specifications & ordering info

Produkt Servo control method Drive supply voltage Rated output Rated torque Rated speed Encoder type Motor with brake Description
G-Series AC servo motor, 50 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.16 Nm, incremental, Brake
G-Series AC servo motor, 50 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.16 Nm, incremental, Brake, with circular connector
G-Series AC servo motor, 50 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.16 Nm, incremental
G-Series AC servo motor, 50 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.16 Nm, incremental, with circular connector
G-Series AC servo motor, 50 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.16 Nm, absolute, Brake
G-Series AC servo motor, 50 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.16 Nm, absolute, Brake, with circular connector
G-Series AC servo motor, 50 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.16 Nm, absolute
G-Series AC servo motor, 50 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.16 Nm, absolute, with circular connector
G-Series/SmartStep 2 AC servo motor (cylinder type), 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm, with brake
G-Series AC servo motor, 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm, incremental, Brake, with circular connector
G-Series/SmartStep 2 AC servo motor (cylinder type), 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm
G-Series AC servo motor, 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm, incremental, with circular connector
G-Series AC servo motor, 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm, absolute, Brake
G-Series AC servo motor, 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm, absolute, Brake, with circular connector
G-Series AC servo motor, 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm, absolute
G-Series AC servo motor, 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm, absolute, with circular connector
G-Series AC servo motor, 1 kW, 200 VAC, 2000 rpm, 4.8 Nm, absolute, Brake
AC Servomotor, With ABS/INC Encoder 1 kW, 200 VAC, With Key / Without Brake, 2000 rpm
G-Series AC servo motor, 1 kW, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 3.18 Nm, absolute, Brake
G-Series AC servo motor, 1 kW, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 3.18 Nm, absolute
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