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22 mm IP66 indicator lights show status of machinery and processes on control panels

Complete line of 22 mm pushbuttons, selectors, keyed selectors and indicators. These reliable panel indicators are offered in a wide range of shapes and colors.

  • The bright LED light source is easy to see under most lighting conditions.
  • Variety of model and color options.
  • Easy mounting and removal of socket unit.
  • Push-in Plus terminal block type.
  • Short mounting depth, less than 49.2 mm behind panel.

Specifications & ordering info

Produkt Application Size Shape Profile Indicator color LED lamp color Rated operating voltage Ue Voltage type Terminal Degree of protection (IP) Description
Indicator M22N flat etched, cap color green, LED green, LED voltage 24 VDC
M22N Indicator, Plastic flat etched, Green, Green, 24 V, push-in terminal
Indicator M22N flat etched, CAP COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, LED VOLTAGE 100-120 VAC
Indicator M22N flat etched, cap color green, LED green, LED voltage 200-240 VAC
M22N Indicator, Plastic flat etched, Green, Green, 220/230/240 V AC, push-in terminal
Indicator M22N flat etched, cap color orange, LED orange, LED voltage 24 VDC
Indicator M22N flat etched, cap color orange, LED orange, LED voltage 200-240 VAC
Indicator M22N flat etched, cap color red, LED red, LED voltage 24 VDC
M22N Indicator, Plastic flat etched, Red, Red, 24 V, push-in terminal
Indicator M22N flat etched, CAP COLOR RED, LED RED, LED VOLTAGE 100-120 VAC
Indicator M22N flat etched, cap color red, LED red, LED voltage 200-240 VAC
M22N Indicator, Plastic flat etched, Red, Red, 220/230/240 V AC, push-in terminal
Indicator M22N flat etched, cap color white, LED white, LED voltage 24 VDC
M22N Indicator, Plastic flat etched, White, White, 24 V, push-in terminal
Indicator M22N flat etched, CAP COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, LED VOLTAGE 100-120 VAC
Indicator M22N flat etched, cap color white, LED white, LED voltage 200-240 VAC
M22N Indicator, Plastic flat etched, White, White, 220/230/240 V AC, push-in terminal
Indicator M22N flat etched, cap color yellow, LED yellow, LED voltage 24 VDC
M22N Indicator, Plastic flat etched, Yellow, Yellow, 24 V, push-in terminal
Indicator M22N flat etched, CAP COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, LED VOLTAGE 100-120 VAC
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