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IPC Programmable Multi Axis Controller

  • Intel® Celeron 3965U fanless processor
  • 64 axes motion control
  • Up to 250 μs cycle time
  • Flexible function development capability (G-Code/ANSI C/original programming language) 

Specifications & ordering info

Ordering information

Industrial Box PC

Appearance Specifications Number of axes Operating system Order code
Celeron 3965U fanless processor
8 GB DRAM (non-ECC)
64 Linux NYB2C-31PK1

Industrial monitor

Appearance Specifications Order code
18.5-inches display with capacitive touchscreen NYM19W-C1000
15.4-inches display with capacitive touchscreen NYM15W-C1000
12.1-inches display with capacitive touchscreen NYM12W-C1000


Type Specifications Order code
Mounting brackets Book mount NY000-AB00
Wall mount NY000-AB01
SD memory card 2 GB HMC-SD291
4 GB HMC-SD491
USB memory 2 GB FZ-MEM2G
Storage devices HDD 320 GB NY000-AH00
SSD 32 GB (SLC) NY000-AS00
SSD 64 GB (SLC) NY000-AS01
SSD 128 GB (iMLC) NY000-AS02
DVI cable Length: 2 m NY000-AC00 2M
Length: 5 m NY000-AC00 5M
USB A to USB B cable Length: 2 m FH-VUAB 2M
Length: 5 m FH-VUAB 5M
Power supply Output voltage: 24 VDC S8VK-G
UPS Output voltage during backup operation: 24 VDC ±5% S8BA
Revision number 04 or higher is required.
UPS communication cable Signals for signal output (BL, TR, BU, WB), remote ON/OFF input, UPS stop signal input (BS)
Length: 2 m

Spare parts (included with the Industrial Box PC)

Type Specifications Order code
Battery Service life: 5 years at 25ºC CJ1W-BAT01
Fan unit Service life: 70,000 hours of continuous operation at 40ºC with 15 to 65% relative humidity NY000-AF00
Accessory kit Power connector, I/O connector, drive bracket and 4 mounting screws for drive installation, PCIe card support and clip for PCIe card installation NY000-AK00

Computer software

Item Description
Power PMAC IDE version 2.2 or higher is needed.
This computer software is used to configure the controller, create user programs and debug programs.
This is a free software, contact your OMRON representative for information on how to procure.
Power PMAC-NC16 SDK This computer software is used to control working machines and other CNC machines with the controller. Use this software when you want to customize the HMI screen. The product contains extension source codes used for customization.
This is a non-free software, contact your OMRON representative for information on how to procure.
Power PMAC-NC16 Runtime This computer software is used to control working machines and other CNC machines with the controller. Use this software when you do not customize the HMI screen.
This is a non-free software, contact your OMRON representative for information on how to procure.

Included support software (pre-installed on the Industrial Box PC)

Item Description
Industrial PC Support Utility The Industrial PC Support Utility is a software utility to assist in diagnosing and resolving problems of the Industrial PC.
Industrial PC Tray Utility The Industrial PC Tray Utility is a software utility that provides information about the current state of the Industrial PC, its related devices and associated software.
Industrial PC System API The Industrial PC System API allows programmers to create programs that can retrieve information or set an indicator status of the Industrial PC. The API makes use of the included IPC System Service to manage the hardware.
Industrial Monitor Utility The Industrial Monitor Utility provides a user interface to control settings and display details of connected Industrial Monitors.
Industrial Monitor Brightness Utility The Industrial Monitor Brightness Utility is a small software utility that allows you to control the brightness of the screen backlight and LEDs of all connected Industrial Monitors.
Industrial Monitor API The Industrial Monitor API allows programmers to create applications that can control the hardware features and retrieve information from connected Industrial Monitors.

How can we help you?

If you have a question or would like to ask for a quote, please contact us or send a request.

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NY Box PC 2L RS232

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NY Box PC 2L RS232

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High-speed, high-precision motion controller plus PC - in one box

ny51-a system configuration prod

Complex kinematics

ny51-a complex kinematics prod

Complex mechanics can be controlled thanks to the matrix handling and the space conversion. Special applications like Hexapod telescope mirror positioning, can be easyly operated by the kinematics handling functionality.

Leveraging features for accurate machining application

ny51-a g code icon prod


Standard RS-274 G-Code interpreter. User-writable subroutines for customized implementation of G, M, T and D-codes. Flexibility to adapt the syntax and to work in combination with any CAD/CAM software.

ny51-a cutter compensation 2d 3d icon prod

Cutter compensation 2D/3D

Tool diameter and shape compensation, matching the cutting point exactly as specified in G-Code.

ny51-a fast processor and large program buffer icon prod

Fast processor + large program buffer

Fast processor can handle over 10,000 blocks per second and up to 1Gb part programs.

ny51-a block retrace for reversing the path icon prod

Block Retrace for reversing the path

Path can be reverted in order to remove the tool from cutting area.

ny51-a advanced block lookahead icon prod

Advanced Block Lookahead

Instructions in the buffer are analyzed in advance, movements are blended and optimized in speed and acceleration for a better performance.

ny51-a tangent tool management icon prod

Tangent tool management

Tools with a cutting direction require a tangent path positioning.



  • Based on Intel® Celeron 3965U fanless processor
  • 8 GB DRAM (non-ECC)
  • Unique heatsink effectiveness
  • RoHS Directive (2002/95/EC), EU directives 

Simplicity improves reliability

NY Box PC 2L RS232

Unnecessary complexity causes problems, so we’ve eliminated it totally, to improve reliability, maximize performance.

  • No internal cables
  • No complex heatpipes
  • Structurally uniform mechanics to enable future expansion
  • Reduced assembly, maintenance and labor costs
  • Rock-solid architecture. Die-cast aluminum case


product-small-power-pmac-ide prod


This computer software is used to configure, create user programs, and debug the programs for the NY51-A, CK3E and CK3M Programmable Multi Axis Controllers.

Download the software.


EAC Mark removal Meddelande om upphörande
enPDF 221 KB
NY-series Industrial Box PC Användarmanual
enPDF 9,13 MB
NYB2C-31PK1 Datablad
enPDF 1,46 MB
Panasonic BRxxxxA button cells Datablad om batterisäkerhet
enPDF 59,7 KB
Startup Guide Kom-Igång Guide
enPDF 3,88 MB

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