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Unique interface wiring system unit

P2RVC can be used in combination with G2RV-ST/G3RV-ST, OMRON Slim relays

  • Easy to connect with PLC thanks to the plug-in connection with G2RV-ST and the reduced dimensions
  • P2RVC can be used both with electromechanical relays or SSR
  • Availability of input and output models, PNP or NPN
  • P2RVC can be used with the screw or push-in plus models of the slim relays

Specifications & ordering info

Produkt 3 wiring connection – power supply terminal Connector type External connection polarity Positions per I/O connector Relay premounted Terminal type Type of I/O connection Type of relay Wiring type Description
Interface unit for G2RV-SR/G3RV-ST Push-in, PLC Input, 8 channels, NPN, 30 VAC/DC, Total 2 A, Push-in
Interface unit for G2RV-SR/G3RV-ST Push-in, PLC Input, 8 channels, PNP, 30 VAC/DC, Total 2 A, Push-in
Interface unit for G2RV-SR/G3RV-ST Screw, PLC Input, 8 channels, PNP, 30 VAC/DC, Total 2 A, Rising-up screw
Interface unit for G2RV-SR/G3RV-ST Push-in, PLC Output, 8 channels, NPN, 30 VAC/DC, Total 2 A, Push-in
Interface unit for G2RV-SR/G3RV-ST Push-in, PLC Output, 8 channels, PNP, 30 VAC/DC, Total 2 A, Push-in
Interface unit for G2RV-SR/G3RV-ST Screw, PLC Output, 8 channels, PNP, 30 VAC/DC, Total 2 A, Rising-up screw
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