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Safety Requirement Specification (SRS)

Getting the specification right

Preparing to remediate

When a risk assessment identifies a machine that is in need of some new or updated safety functionality, you may wish to remediate it yourself. If so, we can provide you with a formal written Safety Requirement Specification.

The written specification is based on the operational designs and production requirements of the machine. It also takes into consideration the findings in our risk assessment, all relevant EU directives and EN ISO standards – and with due consideration of the Use of Work Equipment Directive.

Where necessary, we refer to appropriate guidance such as codes of practice and local regulations, or your own company standards.

Contact us for machine safety consultancy

What’s included?

The Safety Requirement Specification is tailored to your individual needs, it can include:

  • Guarding specifications

  • Safety-related control system functional specifications, by machine zone and hazard

  • Identification of the formal ‘Input - Logic - Output’ block diagrams

  • EN ISO 13849-1 safety related control function PL‘r’ determinations

  • Functional descriptions and specifications for the safety related control system

  • Cause and effect matrix tables.

What’s next?

Finalising the Safety Requirement Specification is a key milestone in the design of a safe machine. You can now start to remediate your machines using your own staff, or we can do it all for you. Or we can work alongside your staff and implement the remediation together.

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