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Consolidate laser marking and inspection for savings

Introducing traceability systems at EV production processes, which require safety and security, is an essential requirement. Integrating OMRON traceability solutions including marking and inspection with unique finder option function can help reduce costs.


With quality management standards becoming increasingly stringent, there is a growing demand for traceability systems, and at lower costs, especially in EV subassembly. Our unique finder option feature enables low-cost, space-saving traceability systems, by aggregating marking, marking inspection, and appearance inspection to the same process to easily deliver rigorous traceability.


The key to cost reduction for EV tier suppliers at the laser marking process and inspection process is consolidating laser marking and verification in one single process. OMRON offers solutions that combine our rich array of technologies that only a comprehensive manufacturer of control equipment could provide to enable marking, image inspection, and marking quality assurance. OMRON’s FH Series products provide quality verification compliant with the international standard ISO-IEC TR29158 and can be used with our LVS code verifiers for marking quality assurance. 

Use OMRON solutions to consolidate laser marking and inspection processes to save costs

  • Flexibility towards mixed use of codes and characters depending on the purpose
  • Consolidates and streamlines marking and inspection processes
  • Marking quality compliant with an international standard

Enabling Technologies

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Traceability Solutions

Traceability is vital for protecting your brand and it can also provide valuable information for improving your processes. We use our vast experience in track, trace and control to help manufacturers build robust systems that protect and improve processes; today and tomorrow.

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Laser Marking and Inspection

Introducing traceability systems at EV production processes, which require safety and security, is an essential requirement. Integrating OMRON traceability solutions including marking and inspection with unique finder option function can help reduce costs.

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