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Key Benefits:

  • Streamlined order fulfilment processes
  • Reduction in manual labour and repetitive tasks 
  • Enhanced efficiency in internal goods flow 
  • Creation of a safer working environment 
  • Integration of automation for seamless operations

In their pursuit of operational excellence, Brd. Klee sought to optimize their logistics processes. The goal was to eliminate manual labor and enhance flexibility within the company's daily handling of shipments. They had considered forklifts as an alternative but recognized the need for a more flexible, safe and efficient solution. A key criterion for this solution was the replacement of manual carts with mobile robotics solution, leading them to not consider other solutions apart from OMRON.

Brd. Klee required a partner who could provide seamless integration between the system controller and the mobile robot. Together with Ølgod Elektro they implemented a simple yet powerful solution using an OMRON autonomous mobile robot (AMR).

brds klee c fcard comp

Claus Andersen, team leader of the warehouse and logistics department at Brd. Klee comments: “Our warehouse is quite large in total, and we have a lot of parts in our internal goods flow, that are just being transported from point A to point B, a distance of about 80 meters. If you multiply this by 30 to 40 times a day, this adds up to more than 6 kilometres. We wanted to automate this internal transport process, to free up the valuable time for our colleagues, and allow them to allocate that time for other activities.”

The solution

The implemented solution makes use of the OMRON LD250 mobile robot, which efficiently serves 10 carts equipped with a Euro Pallet. Brd. Klee's workers fill these carts with goods, and the LD250 autonomously transports them from the warehouse to the shipment area. This straightforward solution has proven to be immensely helpful in streamlining order fulfilment operations. Brd. Klee collaborated closely with Ølgod Elektro and OMRON throughout the implementation process.

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OMRON not only provided the mobile robot but also acted as a sparring partner for the system integrator, while CesTek A/S, a leading automation supplier in Denmark, played a significant role by supplying the carts and top modules for the mobile robot. The integration between the system controller and the OMRON mobile robot, along with the utilization of other OMRON automation products, such as the Sysmac software and the NX102 machine automation controller, ensured a smooth and successful implementation.

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