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Graphical configuration of networks

CX-Integrator is the network configuration software for CX-One. It provides easy monitoring the connection status of DeviceNet, Ethernet and CompoNet networks, configuration of fieldbus controllers, setting device parameters, and diagnosing networks.

  • Easy operation
  • Integrated file saving within CX-One
  • Allows graphical parameterisation of peer-peer and fieldbus networks

How can we help you?

If you have a question or would like to ask for a quote, please contact us or send a request.

+46 (8) 632 35 00
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Offert för CX-Integrator

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Even less time required to design networks

Routing tables can be set and transferred from One Connection! The process of setting up the routing tables has been greatly simplified by the ability to set and transfer routing tables from one location to all the PLCs on a network of the same layer (CS/CJ v4.0 CPU required for this functionality). With just an Ethernet connection it is possible to download the routing tables to all the PLCs connected to the network.

Software Registration & Downloads

Programvaruregistrering och nedladdningar

I det här avsnittet på vår webbplats kan du registrera dina Omron-programvaruprodukter. När du registrerat ditt licensnummer har du åtkomst till relaterade uppgraderings- och supportfiler. Efter det här avsnittet kan flera program och verktyg laddas ned kostnadsfritt.
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CX-Integrator CPS files for Trajexia Mjukvaror
en ZIP 3,91 KB

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