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One software for your automation system

CX-One software allows users to build, configure and program a host of devices such as PLCs, HMIs and motion-control systems and networks using just one software package with one installation and license number. This greatly reduces the complexity of the configuration and allows automation systems to be programmed or configured with minimal training.

  • One software to support programming PLCs + HMI, networks, motion & drive, regulation & switching and sensor s
  • Common look-&-feel for configuration of all devices
  • One installation and license number for all software
  • On-line registration offers free upgrade, free libraries, FAQ and help

Specifications & ordering info

Produkt Edition Number of user licenses Description
Single-user licence for CX-One V4.x software, for Windows 7 (32-bit/64-bit ) / Windows 8.1 (32-bit/64-bit ) / Windows 10 (32-bit/64-bit ) / Windows 11 (64-bit), (requires CDs or DVD, CXOne-CD-EV4, or CXOne-DVD-EV4)
3-user licence only, for CX-One V4.x software, for Windows 7 (32-bit/64-bit ) / Windows 8.1 (32-bit/64-bit ) / Windows 10 (32-bit/64-bit ) / Windows 11 (64-bit), (requires CDs or DVD, CXOne-CD-EV4, or CXOne-DVD-EV4)
10-user licence only, for CX-One V4.x software, for Windows 7 (32-bit/64-bit ) / Windows 8.1 (32-bit/64-bit ) / Windows 10 (32-bit/64-bit ) / Windows 11 (64-bit), (requires CDs or DVD, CXOne-CD-EV4, or CXOne-DVD-EV4)
30-user licence only, for CX-One V4.x software, for Windows 7 (32-bit/64-bit ) / Windows 8.1 (32-bit/64-bit ) / Windows 10 (32-bit/64-bit ) / Windows 11 (64-bit), (requires CDs or DVD, CXOne-CD-EV4, or CXOne-DVD-EV4)
50-user licence only, for CX-One V4.x software, for Windows 7 (32-bit/64-bit ) / Windows 8.1 (32-bit/64-bit ) / Windows 10 (32-bit/64-bit ) / Windows 11 (64-bit), (requires CDs or DVD, CXOne-CD-EV4, or CXOne-DVD-EV4)
Site licence only, for CX-One V4.x software, for Windows 7 (32-bit/64-bit ) / Windows 8.1 (32-bit/64-bit ) / Windows 10 (32-bit/64-bit ) / Windows 11 (64-bit), (requires CDs or DVD, CXOne-CD-EV4, or CXOne-DVD-EV4)
CX-One V4.x software, for Windows 7 (32-bit/64-bit ) / Windows 8.1 (32-bit/64-bit ) / Windows 10 (32-bit/64-bit ) / Windows 11 (64-bit), supplied on 1x DVD, (requires licence number CXOne-Alxx-EV4-(xx))
CX-One Lite v4.x software, for Windows 7 (32-bit/64-bit ) / Windows 8.1 (32-bit/64-bit ) / Windows 10 (32-bit/64-bit ) / Windows 11 (64-bit), single-user licence only, (requires CDs, CXOne-LTCD-EV4), limited to program the CPx PLC platform
CX-One Lite v4.x software, for Windows 7 (32-bit/64-bit ) / Windows 8.1 (32-bit/64-bit ) / Windows 10 (32-bit/64-bit ) / Windows 11 (64-bit), supplied on 2xCDs,  (requires licence number CXOne-LT01-EV4), limited to program the CPx PLC platform
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Structures & Arrays

v4 structures arrays prod

Create advanced programs using data blocks of identical data types (Arrays), or different data types (Structures). Member symbols of the new User Defined Type can be simply accessed from the program. Symbol creation becomes quicker as memory allocation and management is automatic, and you can easily monitor all member symbols in the Watch Window just by using their name. Using Structures and Arrays as In / Out variables for a Function Block, provides simple passing of many parameters in a uniform layout. This uniformity and clear data hierarchy can help program readability during development and maintenance. For the most complex program data, even nested structures, arrays of structures and structures with array elements are supported.

Timers & Counters

v4 timers counters prod

Special data types for TIMER (count-down) and COUNTER (count-up) symbols greatly simplify the use of timers/counters in ladder programs as rungs, to reset and check them you can simply access them by using their name. When used with the Auto Allocation feature, you can define a symbol of type TIMER or COUNTER and never have to worry about where it is stored. That means zero maintenance to resolve addresses when a program grows or rungs are copied to a new project. Arrays of timers and counters are also supported.

Smart input

v4 smart input prod

A new smarter way to input programs with less key presses, resulting in quicker programming. Intuitive windows, symbol browsing and tool tip help mean less mistakes and typos need to be fixed during commissioning. When typing instructions or symbol names a ‘predictive-text’ style browser shows you possible matches which can be easily clicked or selected. Symbol addresses for the next Input and Output are auto incremented to speed up new program creation, and a special Copy/Paste function allows quick duplication with sequential addresses. No need for any manual drawing of rung connections as this is filled in automatically – even for more complex operations like parallel contacts (OR) or Function Block invocations. This all makes programming smarter, quicker and more intuitive.

EtherNetIP setup wizard

ethernetip setup wizard prod

EtherNetIP setup wizard makes it quick and easy to setup network symbols for controller to controller data links by importing tags from CX-Programmer.

Position Control Verification

v4 position control verification prod

Early verification of Position Control function can display graphs of positions or speeds against time, verifying the action prior to transferring. Movements for up to 4 axis per task can be verified: for all axisone/two axis interpolationpulse output instructions

Software Registration & Downloads

Programvaruregistrering och nedladdningar

I det här avsnittet på vår webbplats kan du registrera dina Omron-programvaruprodukter. När du registrerat ditt licensnummer har du åtkomst till relaterade uppgraderings- och supportfiler. Efter det här avsnittet kan flera program och verktyg laddas ned kostnadsfritt.
code software registration newssinglemob prod

Technical support

Teknisk Support

Våra tekniker hjälper dig att välja rätt produkt för din applikation, att komma igång med de produkter du köpt eller att hantera olika projektlösningar. Tack vare vår On-Line support "myOMRON" kan vi även erbjuda teknisk support dygnet runt, året runt. Välj själv hur du vill komma i kontakt med oss.
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CX-Integrator Ver 2 Driftmanual
enPDF 7,55 MB
CX-Motion Driftmanual
enPDF 2,46 MB
CX-Motion MCH Driftmanual
enPDF 2,05 MB
CX-One Broschyr
enPDF 933 KB
CX-One Kom-Igång Guide
enPDF 4,39 MB
CX-One Sample Programs Mjukvaror
en ZIP 575 KB

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CX-One V4 Installationsmanual
enPDF 1,27 MB
CX-One v1.1 Installationsmanual
enPDF 821 KB
CX-Integrator Ver 2 Driftmanual
enPDF 7,55 MB
CX-Motion Driftmanual
enPDF 2,46 MB
CX-Motion MCH Driftmanual
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CX-One Kom-Igång Guide
enPDF 4,39 MB
CX-One V4 Installationsmanual
enPDF 1,27 MB
CX-One v1.1 Installationsmanual
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CX-Position v2 Driftmanual
enPDF 2,11 MB
CX-Programmer Driftmanual
enPDF 7,14 MB
CX-Programmer FB Library Kom-Igång Guide
enPDF 2,26 MB
CX-One Sample Programs Mjukvaror
en ZIP 575 KB

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CX-One v4.61 TRIAL Mjukvaror
en ZIP 2,71 GB

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