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V430-F Industrial Ethernet Barcode Reader

The V430-F redefines the imager market as the smallest IP65/67-rated, true-industrial Ethernet barcode reader. With best-in-class decoding for 1D/2D or DPM codes in a rugged, ultra-compact case, the V430-F is the complete package for solving any barcode reading challenge under any condition. Combining unprecedented ease-of-use, exceptional decode performance, optional liquid lens autofocus, and ultra-small form factor, the V430-F sets the benchmark as the ultimate compact imager in the industry.

  • Ultra-compact (44.5 mm x 44.5 mm x 25.4 mm)
  • IP65/67 
  • High-speed Ethernet, Serial RS-232
  • X-Mode advanced decoding algorithms
  • Optional liquid lens autofocus
  • EtherNet/IP , Ethernet TCP/IP 
  • Passive Power over Ethernet (PoE)
  • Integrated targeting and read/pass indicators
  • WebLink browser-based setup interface
  • Supported Barcode, 2D and Postal Symbology’s.

Specifications & ordering info

Produkt Number of pixels Camera type Autofocus Focus distance Field of view (width) Decoder type Frame rate Illumination Image width Image height Shutter type Communication port(s) Digital output type Degree of protection (IP) Description
V430 Code Reader, 1.2 MP monochrome, Long Range, Autofocus 75-2000 mm, High brightness red light, X-Mode, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
V430 Code Reader, 1.2 MP Monochrome, Long range, Autofocus 75-1200 mm, No outer light, 1D/2D, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
V430 Code Reader, 1.2 MP Monochrome, Long range, Autofocus 75-1200 mm, No outer light, X-Mode, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
V430 Code Reader, 1.2 MP Monochrome, Long range, Autofocus 75-1200 mm, Red light, 1D/2D, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
V430 Code Reader, 1.2 MP Monochrome, Long range, Autofocus 75-1200 mm, Red light, X-Mode, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
V430 Code Reader, 1.2 MP Monochrome, Long range, Autofocus 75-1200 mm, White light, 1D/2D, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
V430 Code Reader, 1.2 MP Monochrome, Long range, Autofocus 75-1200 mm, White light, X-Mode, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
V430 Code Reader, 0.3 MP Monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, No outer light, 1D/2D, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
V430 Code Reader, 0.3 MP Monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, No outer light, X-Mode, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
V430 Code Reader, 0.3 MP Monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, Red light, 1D/2D, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
V430 Code Reader, 0.3 MP Monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, Red light, X-Mode, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
V430 Code Reader, 0.3 MP Monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, White light, 1D/2D, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
V430 Code Reader, 0.3 MP Monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, White light, X-Mode, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
V430 Code Reader, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, High brightness red diffused ring light, X-Mode, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
V430 Code Reader, 1.2 MP monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, High brightness red light, X-Mode, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
V430 Code Reader, 1.2 MP Monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, No outer light, 1D/2D, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
V430 Code Reader, 1.2 MP Monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, No outer light, X-Mode, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
V430 Code Reader, 1.2 MP Monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, Red ring light, X-Mode, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
V430 Code Reader, 1.2 MP Monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, White ring light, X-Mode, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67
V430 Code Reader, 1.2 MP Monochrome, Medium view, Autofocus 50-300 mm, Red light, 1D/2D, Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, IP65/IP67