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RFID system for use in various Semiconductor applications (FOUPS & pods)

Semiconductor applications require special product features in terms of chemical resistance and protocol for Identification systems. Omron's V640 is able to provide both e.g. communication with standardized glass transponders from Texas Instruments and SECS I/II protocol as well.

  • Conformity to related SEMI standards (SEMI E99, E4 and E5)
  • Antenna dimensions conforming to SEMI E15.1
  • Reading/writing ability of glass multi-page transponders (TI)
  • Noise measurement function for best antenna performance
  • Serial Network connectivity (RS485) for operation of several controllers at the same time

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+46 (8) 632 35 00
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EAC Mark removal Meddelande om upphörande
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RFID Teknisk manual
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V640 RFID Demonstration Mjukvaror
en ZIP 1,53 MB

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V640 SERIES Användarmanual
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V640-HAM11-V4_-HAM11-L-V2 Bruksanvisning
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