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CX-Server OPC

CX-Server OPC

Omron’s devices meet ‘Open Integration’

CX-Server OPC provides a connection between the industry standard OPC interface specification and Omron's network architecture and controllers. CX-Server OPC allows any OPC compliant client software to interface easily with Omron.

  • Compatible with OPC Data Access 1.0a and 2.05 SCADA clients
  • Implements optional interfaces like Symbol Browsing and hierarchical workspace
  • Supports all Omron Networks
  • Communicates to CS/CJ/C/CV and CP family PLCs, Trajexia, Celciux and ZX Sensors
  • Supports all Omron communication protocols

Specifications & ordering info

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CX-Server OPC

CD & Licence


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If you have a question or would like to ask for a quote, please contact us or send a request.

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Offert för CX-Server OPC

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cx-supervisor grafix library prod

Extended Graphics Library

The Data Log Viewer has been completely re-written to enable advanced features that enable you to analyse the data from your machine at a glance. Zoom & Pan easily with the mouse and identify the exact moment that a problem occurred. Add horizontal and vertical cursors to spot trends and monitor the value for all traces at that point in time. Now you can even overlay past data over new data to compare one week against another.

Reuse PLC and symbols configuration stored in CX-Programmer's CDM file.

Includes an ActiveX client object with graphic components for diagnosis or creating small applications.