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Multi loop in-panel temperature controller

EJ1N is designed to deliver an easy-to-use Multi-Point Control System able to optimize wiring job and space saving thanks to its modular approach

  • Reduce Crossover Wiring with Horizontal Connection Structure
    Simply connect power supply line and RS485 to end unit module to  power up the entire system
  • Available with screw terminals and screw-less clamp terminals
  • Fit in your machine configuration perfectly
    Up to 64 module (2 loops and/or 4 loops version) can be installed on the same communication RS485 line
  • All major sensors input type supported (thermocouple, Pt100, linear)
  • Simplify commissioning tasks thanks to extensive set of feature to make PID tuning effort easier
    2-PID algorithm to achieve both good step response and disturbance response, Independent Autotuning  for heating/cooling PID control, disturbance overshoot adjustment function for temperature fluctuation rejection.

Specifications & ordering info

Produkt Size Functions Number of control loops Temperature range Temperature input type Linear analog input type Features Number of event inputs Number of alarm outputs Supply voltage DC Control output Terminal Description
CelciuXº In-panel temperature controller basic unit, DIN rail mounting, 2 loops, thermocouple/Pt100/analog input, 2 x 4-20/0-20 mA plus 2 x 30 VDC, 0.1 A NPN outputs, heat, cool, heat/cool, M3 screw terminals
CelciuXº In-panel temperature controller basic unit, DIN rail mounting, 2 loops, thermocouple/Pt100/analog input, 2 x 12 VDC plus 2 x 30 VDC, 0.1 A NPN outputs, heat, cool, heat/cool, heater burnout alarm, M3 screw terminals
CelciuXº In-panel temperature controller basic unit, DIN rail mounting, 4 loops, thermocouple/Pt100/analog input, 4 x 12 VDC outputs, heat, cool, heat/cool, M3 screw terminals
CelciuXº In-panel temperature controller basic unit, DIN rail mounting, 4 loops, thermocouple/Pt100/analog input, 4 x 12 VDC outputs, heat, cool, heat/cool, screwless clamp terminals
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Reduce Crossover Wiring with Horizontal Connection Structure

Simply connect power supply line and RS485 to end unit module to  power up the entire system and distribute RS485 network to all attached EJ1N-TC modules (save 4 wires for each module connected side by side)

Heaters diagnostic

Electric heaters are the most common way to warm up several process as oven, extruder, sealing machines. Potential heater fault can create a lot of problem during production. EJ1N is equipped with a full set of alarm for detecting heater burnout/Solid State fault/ heater overcurrent even in 3phase wiring scenario up to 100A.

Temperature fluctuation rejection

EJ1N is equipped with an effective  algorithm that support PID control to mitigate external disturbance impacts . The Disturbance Overshoot Adjustment Function adjusts the control waveform when an external disturbance happen.
