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Reed-type non contact door switch

Reed non-contact switches monitor the status of guarding doors. Stainless steel housing for high hygiene demands in the food industry are available.

  • Based on reed technology
  • Connect up to 6 switches in series
  • Operates with all Omron safety controllers
  • Operates behind stainless steel fittings
  • Non-contact – no abrasion – no particles
  • Compensation of mechanical tolerances
  • Suitable for high pressure cleaning, CIP/SIP processes due IP69K (pre-wired types)
  • Conforms to safety categories up PLe acc. EN ISO13849-1

Specifications & ordering info

Produkt Door switch type Guard-lock Coding Material housing Ambient temperature (operating) Door contacts NC Door contacts NO LED indicator Connection method Cable length Cable exit direction Degree of protection (IP) Switch without actuator Description
Non-contact door switch, reed, barrel plastic M30, 2NC+1NO, 5m cable
Non-contact door switch, reed, barrel plastic M30, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable
Non-contact door switch, reed, comapct sensor 5 m, plastic, 2NC+1NO contacts (D40B size equivalent)
Non-contact door switch, reed, compact sensor 10m, plastic, 2NC+1NO contacts (D40B size equivalent)
Non-contact door switch, reed, elongated stainless steel, 2NC+1NO, 5m cable
Non-contact door switch, reed, elongated stainless steel, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable
Non-contact door switch, reed, elongated stainless steel, 2NC+1NO, M12 connector pigtail
Non-contact door switch, reed, elongated sensor 2 m, plastic, 2NC contacts
Non-contact door switch, reed, elongated sensor 5m, plastic, 2NC contacts
Non-contact door switch, reed, elongated sensor 10m, plastic, 2NC contacts
Non-contact door switch, reed, elongated sensor M12 connector, plastic, 2NC contacts
Non-contact door switch, reed, elongated sensor 2m, plastic, 2NC+1NO contacts
Non-contact door switch, reed, elongated sensor plastic, 2 NC+1 NO, 5m cable
Non-contact door switch, reed, elongated sensor, plastic, 2 NC+1 NO contacts, 10m cable
Non-contact door switch, reed, elongated sensor, plastic, 2 NC+1 NO contacts, M12 connector pigtail
Non-contact door switch, reed, miniature stainless steel hygienic design, 2NC+1NO, 5m cable
Non-contact door switch, reed, miniature stainless steel hygienic design, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable
Non-contact door switch, reed, miniature stainless steel hygienic design, 2NC+1NO, M12 connector pigtail
Non-contact door switch, reed, miniature plastic, 1NC+1NO, M8 connector left side
Non-contact door switch, reed, miniature plastic, 1NC+1NO, M8 connector right side
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